What is Speed Up ?

When you right-click on an item in the download screen of Kazaa, you can 'search for more sources'. Kazaa will then search for more users from which it can download that file. This usually speeds up your downloads.

The Speed Up tool automates that for you by running alongside Kazaa Lite and every few minutes it automatically searches for more sources.

Speed Up can be used best if you are away from your computer, Kazaa Lite will always be on the lookout for alternative sources.

What do all Speed Up settings do?

Seconds between cycles: This is the number of seconds between the start of a cycle and the start of the next cycle. During a cycle the program will go through you download list and do a 'Search for more sources' action for each active download. This value must be bigger as the number of seconds between items times the number of items in the list.
Recommended setting: 600

Seconds between items: This is the number of seconds between each item on your download list.
If you have a lot of downloads, telling them all to search at the same time will cause a lot of bandwidth and potentially net congestion, not to mention less chances of finding what you are looking for.
Recommended setting: 60

Limit searching to X items: This is the maximum number of items for which the program will try to find more sources. It is recommended to enable this option.
Recommended setting: 2 for dialup, 8 for broadband users

Skip paused and queued: The program won't try to find more sources for files that are either paused or queued.
Clear downloaded and erroneous: Removes finished and failed downloads from the traffic window.
Clear uploaded and erroneous: Removes finished and aborted uploads from the traffic window.
Recommended settings: All three enabled.

Client to load: Set this to Search.

Load with windows: Both Speed Up and Kazaa Lite will be started when Windows is started.
Recommended setting: Disabled

Shutdown when finished downloading: Windows will be shut down when all downloads have finished.
Recommended setting: Disabled

Speed Up resumes paused downloads when it should not.

It's a small bug in Speed Up. There is no real solution for this.

Speed Up aternatives

Other tools that also offer 'find more sources' functionality are:

- Kazap
- pTrack
- DietKaza

What is pTrack (a.k.a PseudoTrack) ?

With this tool you can:
- set up multiple user profiles for Kazaa Lite
- filter finished files into different folders


Some file is missing when I want to start the pTrack tool?

Go to this website:


There you can download the VB6 runtimes which include the files you need.

Some other file is missing when I want to run one of the Kazaa Lite tools.

Go to this website:


Download the file you need and put it in the Windows System folder.

What is Dat View ?

This tool can be used to view information of your .dat files:
- Filename
- Size
- usernames of sources
- IP addresses of sources
- IP addresses of Supernodes
- The file data itself
- Destination folder of the file
- Etc.

To see some of this information, you need to right-click somewhere in the Dat View screen and select 'Advanced'.


What is AVI Preview ?

This tool can be used to preview your partial downloads, even while they are downloading. This tool support AVI and MPEG files.

You can use the Dat View tool to find out which partial download contains which file.


What is KL Cheater ?

This tool can be used to increase your Participation Level in Kazaa Lite (version 2.0.0 only!). It does so by downloading your own shared files making Kazaa Lite think it is uploading to someone else. You need to share at least two files, otherwise this program will not work. Also make sure your upload bandwidth is set at a high enough speed (works best if it is set at unlimited). Once you have reached a high Participation Level, you can save it and restore it whenever you want. This will minimalize any further need to download files from yourself.

- Download Speed can be configured (less speed uses less resources from your PC)
- Auto Cheat when your level gets below a specified level
- Auto Stop at a level specified
- Clean Upload list after cheating
- Backup Participation Level
- Restore Participation Level (requires restart of Kazaa Lite)
- Auto Restore Participation Level and restart Kazaa Lite every X hours

KL Cheater has become useless now. The K++ Edition of Kazaa Lite automaticly gives you a Participation Level of 1000.

KL Cheater does not read my Participation Level correctly.

This problem exists on Windows 98. These functions won't work:
- Auto Cheat and Auto Stop

If you are using a skin in Kazaa Lite, disable it.

Who is rocko@Kazaa ?

That would be the KL Cheater downloading files from you to improve your Participation Level. It is not some leecher getting all of your files.

I get "Kazaa lite service not found at port 1214" when running the KL Cheater.

- The cheater doesn't work together with Socks2http or Http-Tunnel. Disable socks5 in Kazaa Lite.
- Make sure you are sharing files! At least two are needed.
- Make sure there are enough free upload slots available. The cheater will get bumped by other users if all of your upload slots are in use.
- This can also happen if your IP address is automaticly refreshed by your cable provider. Restart the Cheater when you get this message.

What is Kazap ?

Kazap is a tool that fully integrates into the Kazaa Lite program.

It's features are similar to that of Speed Up. But it also has some features to control uploads.

Kazap settings

Find more sources every X seconds: The program will go through your download list and it will do a 'Find more sources' action for each active download.
Recommended setting: 600

Pause Kazap: Will pause the program

Clear Downloads: Removes finished downloads from the traffic window.
Recommended setting: on

Find more sources: Enables the find more sources feature.
Recommended setting: on

Start queued: Resume queued files
Recommended setting: off

Remote queue retry: If a download get remotely queued, it will retry to make a connection
Recommended setting: on

Restart failed: Will restart downloads that have failed. Warning: downloads probably will start from the beginning.
Recommended setting: off

Clear uploads: Removes finished or aborted uploads from the traffic window.
Recommended setting: on

Prevent hogging: This will cancel all second uploads to usernames that are already downloading from you.
Recommended setting: off

Kill all non Kaza: This will cancel uploads to all people who use Grokster of iMesh
Recommended setting: off

Kill uploads slower than X kb/s: This will cancel uploads whos speed drops below the given value.
Recommended setting: on at 0.10

Kill uploads if PL below X: This will cancel uploads to users whos Partictipation Level is below the given value.
Recommended setting: on at 10
@Kazaa only: enable this, because non Kazaa users don't have a PL.